Authentic-to-You Wedding Videography.

No robot arms, film-set vibes or silly, posey non-sense.

The way that we capture our wedding films is no different than how we photograph them. We believe it is our job to show up, work discretely and not make a giant fuss about “getting the perfect shot”. This means no staging a bunch of things that were not going to happen. No flying around your ballroom dance floor with a giant electronic camera-motorized-thing. In fact, most of the time its hard to tell our photographers from our video aces. That’s because we work in a similar fashion, involving stellar handheld work to minimize our footprint, operating like ninja’s to capture that real moment no one saw coming.

Let’s not over think this.

Your wedding day will be full of all sorts of emotions. Romance, excitement, silliness and anticipation. We can let that be the story! No obsessing over “must-have” shots or spending forty minutes directing and producing a hit movie. Your film shouldn’t be edited with an endless montage of your photo session, or be full of staged moments or 400,000,000 shots of your invitations and shoes, or day I say…. drone shots. We say save that screen time for all of the authentic moments that we keep going on and on about.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.

There’s a BIG reason to hire your photographer + videographer under the same roof. All of the creative ideas and fun shots that any of us (or you) have can be put together quickly and efficiently. When hiring both of our teams, everyone has the same agenda, and same goal. Not having to worry about two timelines, two competing creative mindsets, two sets of lighting schemes at the reception, or two completely different aesthetics in your final delivery are just a handful of reasons why our clients trust us to handle both Stills AND Cinema.

I’m not even sure that we are going with video.

I know. You aren’t sure if it is in the budget. Maybe you think its cheesy. Thats’ totally cool. But let’s sit back for a minute and reflect on just how much video content we consume every day. Instagram scrolling, Netflix binges, your Maid-of-Honor’s endless ticky tock clips. Why are those things deserving of attention, but the preservation of your wedding day falls in to the “on the fence” bucket? It’s a genuine responsibility to capture your wedding day memories to preserve them for future generations to witness, and it’s a responsibility that we would love to take on for you.